Composable Commerce
Today's demands for digital commerce can no longer be met with any single solution. With our platform Harmony, you get the architecture that allows you to implement a Composable Commerce strategy, adopt the best solutions and keep up with future developments.
Fra monolitt til best-of-breed
Når man skulle etablere netthandel har man tradisjonelt undersøkt markedet og valgt den leverandøren som kunne tilby den mest egnede nettbutikkløsningen. Det var typisk komplette løsninger, eller monolitter, som løste hele spekteret av funksjonalitet som trengtes for å drive med netthandel.
Men digital handel har vært i en rivende utvikling de siste årene. Kundenes forventninger stiger, og kampen om deres oppmerksomhet blir mer og mer krevende.
I takt med utviklingen har deler av digital handel utviklet seg til å bli egne frittstående fagområder som krever spisskompetanse og spesialiserte løsninger. Områder som lojalitet, produktanbefalinger og søk for å nevne noen eksempler er egne disipliner med mange aktører som leverer løsninger spisset mot sitt domene.
Det finnes ikke lenger noen enkeltløsning som dekker alle behovene til moderne digital handel. I stedet for å satse på monolittiske enkeltløsninger bør fokuset være på å finne den plattformen som lar deg sette sammen Best of Breed løsninger fra ulike disipliner til en helhet.
Hva er Composable Commerce?
What is Composable Commerce
Composable Commerce is a term that describes digital commerce solutions composed of the best components. Done right, Composable Commerce gives you the opportunity to choose the best tools and put them together into a well-functioning whole.
With a Composable Commerce strategy, it is possible to adopt new technology and more easily replace parts of the solution if necessary. It gives the freedom to experiment, and to keep up with developments.
Composable Commerce requires modularity, clear demarcation of areas and decoupling between frontend and backend, with APIs that make data and functionality available. It places demands on the architecture.
MACH arkitektur
MACH architecture
MACH is an architecture that facilitates Composable Commerce. It is short for Microservices, API-first, Cloud-native and Headless.
With Microservices, we move away from the monolithic approach towards an architecture where several separate domain-specific services each handle a clearly defined area within the digital trading solution.
Data and functionality are primarily exposed through clear and accessible APIs, so that any application can consume the services and data offered, which is the basis for integration between the various components.
Cloud strategies such as Software-as-a-Service have the potential to reduce the complexity of the solution, ensure scalability and simplify both maintenance and operation.
By decoupling the frontend from the backend, we achieve the flexibility to use the tools we want in a flexible way. The decoupling also allows us to create several different user experiences specifically for different channels, devices and target groups if we wish.
Fremtiden er Composable
The future is Composable Commerce:
Composable Commerce and Best of Breed create the best digital commerce solutions
Delivering the best experiences now and in the future requires a modern architecture that allows you to implement a Composable Commerce strategy
PearlConvert offers Harmony, a complete platform based on MACH architecture that allows you to implement Composable Commerce.
The Hype Cycle
Eager to learn more?
Get in touch with Markus! He knows quite a bit about eCommerce - oh, and he's quite nice to talk with as well!